Sunday, April 16, 2017

Phillyosophicalizing Easter

Main-stream Society has done far more irrectifiable damage to individualism than any distraught bullies have ever hoped to inflict upon society labeled Plain Janes or Computer Geeks. One need not be of Christian faith to enjoy the spirit of Easter nor does one need to be so of Christian faith as not to be able to participate in the frills of Easter. For there is such a thing called a medium – a middle ground; a point of view midway between extremes. Truly here is where individualism thrives. But how many dare to walk such a thin line? Come, stray for a moment if you will and walk with me away from the main-stream. For surely if it is true that life imitates art and art imitates life than what of this book called the Bible so many protest, perhaps merely literature, symbolism at its best. Gethsemane? Surely Surprisedbyjoy writes "all of us will experience Gethsemane in our lifetime. They are moments of great distress, fear and anguish. We may experience hatred and betrayal. We may be called to pick up our 'wounds' and we don’t want to do it. Even Christ needed companions in Gethsemane. Sleeping friends were better than being alone. We would be wise to ask for friends to be with us in our Gethsemane. Don’t be upset when ‘some’ let us down. Judas betrayed, the others slumbered, Peter denied their relationship and they all ran away in fear. We see a picture of life drama and human frailties." This is Gethsemane, merely truth; facing the truth – moments of truth. As for the cross, we all have ours to bear, some more than others. I think the hardest cross to lay down and upon is forgiveness. Surprisedbyjoy states "All of us have forgiveness issues. Human nature clings to grudge holding which leads to destructive bitterness and venom. For 'any hope of any kind of' growth, healing and maturity, 'though' we must forgive ". Often the hardest person to forgive is ourselves. Truly we are our own worse enemies at times. And so begins the crucifixion; we crucify those who have done us wrong and worse we crucify ourselves. It is a vicious circle, one perhaps of a dog trying to chew his own legs off only to succeed in immobilizing himself to never walk again. Oh but if we could forgive, especially ourselves; we would truly rise again anew. A testament to all the Doubting Toms! Here in lays the problem, here in indeed. Inside this fleshy shell of ours, our very own tomb. Maybe the secret is buried in first healing the wounds; rather inflicted by others, and/or circumstances, or self. After all it is Spring and 'Hope Springs Eternal'. And so this is Easter, the passing over and into the realizations of Gethsemane. We have ventured far enough now from the Main-stream Society for most to have seen the middle ground of art imitating life. I much rather join the allusion and dance with the Easter Bunny and color eggs than spend any more time dissecting life’s many illusions, delusions. Cause for now; liken love, spring is in the air - spring is every where!

Related Posts: Epiphany Easter, 1916 by W. B. Yeats


Eastcoastdweller said...

Such an understanding is why Neil Diamond, a faithful Jew, could write Christmas songs without feeling like a traitor to his faith.

Yvonne said...

Respecting each other and still saying what needs to be said. I hope that this makes it into the eye view of many readers!!!! This is exactly what we need to say to each other.

Cooper said...

Hope you are enjoying the onset of spring, it is yet to show here really.

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Hi Cooper! No spring has not sprung here yet either. We just had a freeze warning last night with temps down in the 35 and below! Hope all is going great with your college studies. Have a nice day!

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

eastcoastdweller and yvonne are much appreciated comments from the first time I posted this. Thank You both!

Eastcoastdweller said...

Hmm, I wa puzzling over having met the ghost of myself here, knowing full well that I have been a bad blog friend this month with scarcely a post to anyone!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff. I believe we are all connected to one another which makes us all one. So if we beat up on another we are just beating up ourselves. Therefore we should treat everyone with respect including ourselves. After all we need to love each other more because love is all there is.

Love and Blessings,

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Well said AngelBaby, great point, much appreciated! Happy Blessings! :)

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

lol - Yes eastcoastdweller, I resurrected this post from earlier. You a bad blog Friend, never! Me on the other hand perhaps as chaos is still tugging at my heart strings. Still often real life must come before blogging as should be the order of things. :)

anandi said...

Happy Easter
(though a bit late)
Been busy these days.. so couldn't visit your blog.

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Hello anandi, never to late to hear from such a long time blog Friend! I haven't been able to do much blog visiting myself far to long due to health reasons and other personal matters. Though I am looking forward to a soon future visit to your sites cause I sure have missed your fantastic poetry and art. Thanks for stopping by :) Do have a pleasant day!


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