Friday, June 24, 2011

Is God To Blame?

Is it better to believe there is a God then to die and discover there is a Hell? Maybe the question isn't, is there a God, rather who is God. Strip the disguises from any Holiday Mascot and what is left is the Spirit of the Holiday. Be that spirit ‘Bah, Hum Bug’ or Merry Happy Holiday. Strip all the Religions of their ideas about whom and how God is, what’s left is the Spirit of Hope nurtured by blind faith. And what is hope but a synonymic word for optimistic anticipated expectations. Whilst faith is the blindfold we entrust to guide the subconscious, while our consciousness is busily awake. Kinda like how some drive a car while shaving, makeuping, eat, drink, smoking, while talkin’ on a cell phone. But the question here is why. Why death, suffering, diseases, etc.? It is easier to blame a God that may or may not exist. Much as a poor child may curse Santa Clause for not bring presents. Sadly, those whom for example, pass away painfully from cancer, God of any concept should not be the blame. Sure God is an easy enough target. However; it is humans who made the chemicals that cause such dis-ease. Humans invent cars; many automobiles tragically take the lives of numerous people. Drunk driving killers, humans invented alcohol. And so on and so on. For whom ever made Earth, other planets, stars, people…, only made the basics. It is humans who combined the ingredients. Then blame the damn Maker for giving humans brains! Oh my, if a tree begets an acorn and that acorn grows into a mighty tree that Mother Nature one day crushes upon your residence, whom is to blame? The Maker, the tree, the acorn, Mother Nature, you for your choice of residency…? That is the age old question of our generation. If a gun kills an innocent person, who is to blame? The gun manufactures, the bullet producers, the gunpowder providers..? If a video game leads to violence, who is at fault? The video industry, the animator… Unfortunately, there will never be enough blame to go around for everyone and everything. My Fellow Readers, we could go on and on with your questions about “the ill fates of society and people” The main misgiving however; is your pain. We may not know the whys until we ourselves meet our destination and whatever that holds. Rather it be heaven or hell or merely particles of atomically ions to be recycled back into the universe. Meanwhile; if death crushes the heart, ache damn it, ache. It hurts. It’s not fair. Next, cherish those memories for they are the healing threads for any shattered heart. Then at last, celebrate life. Instead of grieving the date of loss, light a candle on the persons’ birthday, shouting– I’m glad you were born! For in your birth I got to know you, love you. And because you lived, I have the best memories I may of never had, had you not of been born.

(I once posted this as a comment on a fellow blogger post; today, the world is much the same-wondering whom to blame and what to do. So I felt a need to post this comment here. Hope it helps someone.)

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