In 1998, I had called my Aunt and Uncle to let them know that my Mother’s Husband had departed from his battle with cancer. To this day I still remember my Aunt’s voice as she broke the news to me on the phone, my Uncle died unexpectedly in his sleep of a brain aneurysm. Serendipitously, both men died within 24 hours of one another. A few years later while sorting through the
baited rat trap of boxes I had accumulated over the years, I had to face and embrace the memories of my Uncle Bill. Each photo found, showed him as a tall lanky Gentleman whom never seemed to age. Amidst my collection were letters from him and my Aunt; places they had been, things they were doing. A wonderful assortment of cherished birthday and holiday cards from them - expanding from my youth to that of an adult. And with each memorabilia, I found myself on a journey down memory lane filled with echoing heart felt laughter and love. My Uncle Bill made his living painting homes and in-between his brush decorated canvases with beautiful pictures. My favorite are those of trees and covered bridges. Recently franscud; Francis Scudellari Author of
Caught In The Stream posted about
Mr. Potato Head. I mention this because one of my fondest childhood memories is when my Aunt and Uncle took me on a trip with them to Tennessee, for their Daughter’s wedding. First, one must envision such a tall man being the owner of and driving a VW, back in the days when these adorable beetle bugs were petite. As a child, I always found it humorous and amazing how my Uncle Bill fit himself into this car. In Tennessee, Uncle Bill took me for my first double dipped ice cream cone! Outside the snack bar, my top scoop plummeted to the ground immediately. Uncle Bill merely smiled; gently taking my hand, he walked me into the ice cream shop again, for another delicious dip atop my cone! On our way back from the wedding, the heater in the VW decided to quit. When Uncle Bill stopped to get a few repair supplies, he made a side stop into a near by store where he bought me, yes – Mr. Potato Head! And so,
with permission from Francis; for all those boxes that couldn’t hold all my treasures of yesterday; I present to you my Readers, Mr. Potato Head, for all to enjoy! May such a photo be liken a feather duster on the memory box in your minds and bring you treasured smiles also.
When putting things back together again was simple:
Here’s to you, my Uncle Bill!
In Loving Memory, Here's to you Aunt Ella December 30, 1925-April 9, 2011
Memory Lane is a sweet place to walk down every now and then. I'm glad You have a few tangible items to help You on the journey.
Thanks eastcoastdweller!
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