Sunday, April 29, 2007

PostScripts Lowcountry Blog Meet Up April

Last Sunday April 22; I attended the local Blogger Meet-Up organized by Heather Solos at PostScripts. PostScripts posts about all “the Lowcountry Bloggers comings and goings in the active local blogging community”! “These days it's written primarily by Heather Solos of Moncks Corner Moments and administered by Dan Conover of Xark!". If you have a blog in the Lowcountry, SC your site should and needs to be listed on their Big Blogroll at PostScripts for terrific coverage! Currently there are at least 146 Lowcountry Bloggers!

The Blogger Meet-Up gave me the opportunity to become acquainted with the faces of fantastic people behind their blogs in the Lowcountry. The conversations were well rounded - refreshingly mentally stimulating with my evening ending in everyone enjoying laughter about South Park cartoons!

Whom I met from the Big Blogroll:

Heather Solos:“is a 28 year old professional blogger and stay-at-home-mom. She is the mother of 2 boys and also has a stepdaughter. Heather was a professional chef in her pre-kids life, but became a stay-at-home mom when she was pregnant with her first son. She works for, writing the Low Country Blogs roundup. She also keeps a personal blog, Moncks Corner Moments. Heather wants everyone to know you do not have to become the picture of Donna Reed or June Cleaver to be a successful SAHM.” Currently Heather is 23 weeks pregnant!

Heather Solos is also in partnership with Home Ec 101, “What You Wish Your Mama Taught You”.

Dave accompanied with Kathy. Dave has written a novel Prodigal Child ("Who among us is not our own worst enemy? Which of us does not wish for a second chance? Which of us does not have an inner artist trying to break free? Prodigal Child is a satisfying and charming read because it deals convincingly with these very personal, yet universal, issues.")

Dave:“I am an ex-framebuilder. My bikes have been ridden in the Tour de France, Olympics, and World Championships. My experience dates back to 1957, I retired from the bicycle business in 1993. This is a place where I post articles, stories, and personal thoughts primarily about bicycles.” Dave Moulton's Bike Blog

Two impressive young 22 year old Gentlemen, Jared and Kevin whom rekindled my hope for Society’s’ future:

Jared has co-written the book, Building Online Communities with Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress

Jared: “Hi, I’m Jared. No, not the guy from the prominent submarine sandwich chain — sorry to disappoint you. I’m 22, a Web designer, student, gadget geek, and…well…everything else under the sun living in Charleston, SC. I’ve done a lot: I’ve co-written a book, gotten halfway decent at designing a website, and…well, you’ll have to dive in a bit to find out. The website’s here to put my daily exploits on display, help me showcase some of the many things I do… JAREDWSMITH.COM

Kevin: I am a 22 year old man who lives in South Carolina. I am interested in writing stories (science fiction, fantasy, or whatever else steals my attention for a while). I also like drawing, though most of my drawing seems to lean towards illustration. I have an interest in music, and can play the harmonica. At various times, I have felt some interest in design, learning the guitar, and videography, but I admittedly have some "focus" issues. I have currently finished a Book of Poetry that I am going to try to publish, God willing. I am also working on designs for a High Fantasy style novel, and a collection of dream-based paintings. Aside from these particular goals my only real goals are to keep doing what I am doing. Thank you for your interest in me and my site, not to mention my work…

Kevin has several excellent sites! Stones In My Passway… “(The blog, soapbox, and journal for the website Leaves Tremble On The Tree)” Several of his art and poems…. Can be found at Leaves Tremble On The Tree, To Consolate My Mind “(The philosophical side of Leaves, where ideas and curiosity is put down to paper, so to speak)”

Vera: Her One-Line Bio says it all:“Totally obsessed knitter and crocheter.” Vera’s blog site is none other than Vera’s Crafty Blog. Her other sites include Vera Knits and Vera's Crochet.

Vera is also the Hostess of Needles Hooks and Yarn (Crafters Fantasy Football)! A 'Fantasy Football League Blog' that also includes Football links to NFL Injury Reports, NFL Teams, Fantasy Football Tips, Fantasy and more!

I believe Vera’s Husband made an appearance Sunday!

Saphyre Rose: I am a 24 year cancer survivor who was given 3 months to live. Due to the chemo and radiation I now have nerve damage and Fibromyalgia. But at least I am alive! I am married to the most wonderful man in the world and have a little muttling who is my familiar. I am a Wiccan and I am a Independent thinker and voter.

Saphyre Rose’s blog is the Sun and Moon Sorcery (Live in the Sun. Love in the Moon.)

Patrick: “I'm a television producer, writer, GAD sufferer, hypochondriac, debater, animal lover, amateur photographer, chronic over-eater, game show fan, ISFJ-personality type, and Christian. For the rest, read the blogs.”

Patrick’s blog is Patrick’s Place, “Fighting against Double Standards and for Common Sense since 2004”. Patrick also has several other blogs of interest, A Stop At Willoughby “(A novelist talks about writing, trying to be published, and a few other topics, too. What works for me may not work for you: proceed accordingly.)”, the Cross Examination, and Patrick’s Weekender“(Home of the Saturday Six and the Sunday Seven It’s never too late to play!)”

Mike from Notoriously Nice Mike. “A well-known local blogger who lives up to his nickname.” His on-site bio includes “100 Things About Me”. His blog includes pictures and information on a little bit of everything from books, pets, politics… and of course, Mike! “(Mike Notoriously Nice. Featuring Briar, Justine, Little Mike, Allan, and Jo Ann)”

Kit from Makes you like your eggs on the Jersey side. “Topics range from geek-talk to politics and humor.” To truly know Kit, all anyone needs to do is read old excerpts from his rarely updated website Clowns Will Eat You. Here you can learn also about Kit’s shoes, “I had recently decided that I was a Goth, and I had it on very good information that Goths wore combat boots.”

Eugene: Imablog. “Perspectives of a Canadian in the Old/Deep/New/Geographic South: This is where I ramble on about nothing in particular and post a few nice pictures.” Eugene’s blog includes My Geek Code where he states, Yes, I'm a geek and proud of it. He also includes his Research Interest, “One of my principle interests is doing attenuation correction in SPECT imaging using non-uniform attenuation maps obtained from a transmission scan. I did some work on the subject for my Master's thesis. With my latest job responsibilities though, I don't get to spend a great deal of time working on it. I hope to get back to it one of these days though.” His Coin Collection and much more!

J.J.: I’m not drunk enough for this. really, i’m not. “mmmm... blog... if these ramblings offend you, i'm probably a bit pickled. if they don't, you're probably a bit pickled.” Categories include: Car stuff, Four colour ramblings , Rant-A-Roni, Uncategorized, What I'm Drinking Now…

Sunnie (Kaytee): SunnieFaerie "a stay-at-home mom of 4 beautiful children and 2 beautiful Angels. I've been married since 1995." Sunnie (Kaytee) states that her husband Jimmy also present at the Blogger Meet-Up has a blog Chronicles of a Bodyman,“West Ashley father and autobody repairman on cars and life.”, though he rarely has the chance to post.

Some of SunnieFaerie recent posts include WalkAmerica about the walk-a-thon to help raise money for premature babies, Beautiful! with nice photos of the sunset, Soccer and More

If you were at the PostScripts Blogger Meet-Up and I didn’t list you, kindly accept my apologies and drop me a line so Binding Ink can list your blog also! Thanks!

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