Monday, November 04, 2013

Dona Nobis Pacem-Peace Education Achieves Cultural Equality

#blog4peace #blogblast4peace #peace

What Do I Want My World To Look Like?

I worked in a multicultural government environment where all holiday symbols were no longer allowed. I could understand ‘rules’ applying to anything that was racist, extremist or gang-related being prohibited. However; eventually personal screen savers on the computers, family pictures… were also banned. We were being depersonalized to comply with a Politically Correct work area, instead of embracing each others individuality.

Enough is enough! No longer calling All Saints Day, Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving, Diwali, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa… a Holiday Season, no longer being Politically Correct. No longer stripping heritage of the freedom to wear dreadlocks , yarmulkes, headscarfs, jeweled religious symbols…. We need more Peace Education and less Politically Correctness.

I want a World filled with education on Peace, on every academic level. For those areas without the benefit of a educational system or a school, let any ground where people gather around be a place to learn about Peace. This learning should cover all diverse Cultural Races/Ethnicities/Traditions…., and emphasizing Socioeconomics that span the Globe and encompasses our own daily surroundings.

Socioeconomics should not pertain so much to low, middle, or high class as divided by the monetary or statistics system, however; showing how sociology and economics factors pertaining to various backgrounds, can contribute greatly to an individual and/or communities health and mental well-being. Peace Education should incorporate Field trips to work in the local homeless shelters, drug rehabs, Elderly residential care facilities…. It is time education systems have Students participate hands on instead of the primarily ‘Politically Correct’ prescribed ‘Formal /Official Curriculum’ book learning test taking’ diplomacy to potentially graduate with merely just a piece of paper. We need to educate the mind and the emotional depth of each individual. Especially in todays society where People are becoming increasingly numb to empathy due to desensitizing from overindulgence in video games, television hype, etc.

Peace Education that consist of teaching about the diverse Cultural Races/Ethnicities/Traditions…, Socioeconomics, and hands on learning in local communities could have a great influence on decreasing the astronomical stats on Bullying Bullying Statistics because Bullying often is a result of various preconceived prejudices.

Can Peace Education help prevent War? War use to be deemed ‘a necessary evil’, thought by some to contribute to the justification of human overpopulation. When injustices are done to humanity, perhaps War is necessary. However; the loss of human lives, limbs, sanity… in this age of modern technology should not be the price paid. ‘We have the technology, we have the capability to make the world's first’ robots to combat in War, there is no need for human casualties.

Peace Education would help raise children, teenagers into adults (whom rather they choose college, etc. to further their education) they would contribute greatly to society as a whole on the home front, in communities, work environments, and/or the Political arena with educated minds and emotional understanding of individualism to help better promote Peace and not War.

Peace Education is not a new conceptInternational Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, but we need to get on board; to help make World Peace a plausible possibility and not a implausible probability.

To make Peace more than just a Dream. To embrace individuality of every individual; respecting individualism, individual Races, Ethnicities, Cultural Traditions, sexual orientation, etc. We need to STOP being so damn Politically Correct. What we need is to S.T.O.P. (Stop And See The Other People).

Dona nobis pacem (grant us peace)

Related Posts: Journey Toward Peace

“BlogBlast For Peace™ was founded by Mimi Lenox in October 2006 as Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere. It was the first internet presence to ask bloggers to post on the same subject on the same day. November 4 is the annual day designated as BlogBlast4Peace™ aka Blog4Peace™. The concept quickly spread around the world and is now displayed in 182 countries (and counting).”

You can see a steady stream of peace globes streaming live on Mimi Lenox FB wall @ AND The BlogBlast Facebook Fan Page.

* Rather you Blog, Twitter, Tumblr, Pin, &/or Facebook; if you can hashtag #blog4peace #blogblast4peace #peace than anyone, everyone; anywhere and everywhere can give their Piece to promote Peace on November 4 & everyday throughout the year.

Or Click for more information on How To Blog4Peace on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest Nov 4


Michelle said...

Excellent. One of the best ideas for Peace I've read in years of bogblast for Peace.

Best Peace blessings to you. :) ☮

Laura said...

Amen!!! You are so right, peace will come from embracing diversity, not attempting to erase it.

Please consider yourself officially invited to participate this year's 5th Annual Gratitude (word) Quilt. Instructions (it is very simple) and a link that explains the origin of the word quilt can be found at the top of my blog. In past years there have been participants from every continent except Antarctica. I hope you'll join us:-)

Me-Me King said...

Such a beautiful day that we all came together for Peace. Namaste

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Thanks Michelle of Books Uncaged and Crow's Feet. Your comment is greatly appreciated. Peace in abundance! ☮

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Well said Laura of Shine the Divine: Creativity IS a Spiritual Practice. I look forward to reading about the 5th Annual Gratitude (word) Quilt on your blog. Peace in abundance! ☮

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Namaste Me-Me King of The Screaming Me-Me!!!, Thank you for taking the time to comment on this abundant day of Peace bloggers. ☮

Travis Cody said...

Peace to you and yours on this and every day.

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Thanks Travis Cody Peace in abundance! ☮


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