Monday, September 09, 2013

Labor of Love

Award Winning Author Carla Masterson: It means so much to me to know my book has been given to this precious new born..Prince George Alexander Louis and His Royal Family...:-)

Fit for a future King, a children's book that should be in every Parent(s) hands, every child's bookshelf, in every school library, Psychologist and Psychiatrist office; What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? (The Secret Of The Golden Mirror) by Carla Jo Masterson

From the Author Carla Jo Masterson:
"As I sat down to write this, my thoughts were of how I could speak to the world, picturing the entire world as being one child. Although our situations may be different, we all feel from the same place, from within our heart and emotions. Therefore, it is important for our children to understand that the feelings and emotions they experience are always meant for constructive reasons, instead of the destructive ones we sometimes feel. With love and understanding, and with all of us working together, hand in hand, we can create a safe and harmonious place on our beautiful home we call Earth.
My deepest wish is that someday all violence will end with one great big "HUSH!"
Humanity Universally Singing Harmony"

"The story begins when Mr. Positively, a fantasy, dream-like being who inhabits the rainbow... invites children to follow him through the colors of the rainbow in a journey of self discovery. Love, anger, laughter, shyness, fear, sadness, friendship, joy--these emotions are examined as the children move from one color of the rainbow to another." - By Mayra Calvani "Multi-genre author and reviewer."

From the Back Cover:
"Thank you for opening the doorway of your beautiful imagination to create this loving vision from your pure and generous heart. Mr. Positively is not just a role model, but a warm, safe friend for the children of the world. Having over 20 years experience in the entertainment business and now launching our new family film studio, we are excited that this book has become a reality and look forward to creating your films from this precious work."
Joie Albrecht, Producer/writer/director
The Creation Factory International, Inc

Carla was born to sing. She has performed with Paul Anka, Barry Manilow, recorded with Pianist Randal Leonard and has harmonized with Native American Flutes. She started to write poetry and songs at a very young age. However, it was not until later in life Carla developed a passion to write children's books. Her book What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? has been given to celebrity nominees at the EMMYS, OSCARS and CMA AWARDS + she's done 300 book signings. Carla's love for children and humanity is felt in every word she writes.

Interview with Carla Masterson, Issue 1 March 2009 EnergyXchange:

In 1993, Carla’s life would transform forever. She met a world renowned artist, Melanie Taylor Kent. Melanie is known for her colorful, brilliant paintings licensed through Walt Disney, Paramount, Universal Studios, Warner Bros and George Lucas, to name a few. While having a deep discussion about life, Melanie suggested, “Carla, why don’t you write a children’s book.”With that short statement, the seed and inspiration for Carla’s first children’s book was planted.

Carla’s dream of being a published author would become a reality in 2006. She started her own publishing company, Harmony Soup Incorporated and published her first book, What’s On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? (The Secret Of The Golden Mirror).

Since Valentines Day of 2006, Carla has completed 218 book signings. Her book is being used in public schools and is available in all the Clark County District Libraries. Recently Carla did her first book signing in a BORDERS BOOK STORE after being able to partner with BAKER & TAYLOR. She has been interviewed on radio shows, “CBS RADIO” stations, television, local channels 5, 8 and 3. She has had articles written in the Review Journal, View Point, Vegas Around the Clock, Inside Vegas Tips, The View, Metro Woman Magazine, and in June, Las Vegas Woman Magazine.

EnergyXchange Sits down with Best Selling Author Carla Masterson

EX- I have noticed in both your Bio and in your reviews it states that the purpose of your book is to remind us all ‘that no matter what happens to any of us, our feelings are for constructive reasons and not destructive ones’. Can you tell us why this is such an important issue for your personally and how the book itself teaches the readers to do this?

CM- Friend, the reason why this issue is so personal for me, is that for as long as I can remember, I have been subjected to and been surrounded by people without boundaries, when it came to their actions and words. Their actions and words have hurt deeply... sometimes. Words and actions can bruise our feelings and heart. With some of them wounding us for a lifetime. There are some sorrows and hurts that never go away. We can only survive them.

Friend, with everything that is within me, I have been determined, to be a survivor. To be an example of victory over abuse. To take full responsibility for my words, actions, thoughts, and to be one of the voices that speaks loud and clear “There is no reason or rhyme, for abuse or violence”.

My book is simple truth. It says to everyone that, EXCERPTS: “It is never all right even when you’re ANGRY to hurt any one in any way” or “Real LOVE will never hurt you. It is a safe place to be”. Simple truth comes from our natural, nature, which is our common sense. My desire is to be a voice for LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY. My book is my voice, my intent and my purpose.

EX- How did Mr Positively come into being?

CM - Friend, I knew my book theme was to be universal. With that in mind I started to brain -storm with family and friends and ask them for ideas. They came up with different characters, one idea... being a clown. However, a clown didn’t resonate universal. Besides, some children have a fear of clowns. So, I went into my self and something said to me, “How would you speak to the entire world as being one child”? That was a huge idea and so simple at the same time. So, I went into my imagination and I saw in my minds eye, a beau- tiful, cloud being that had rainbow colours sparkling all through him. He had human features and had doors with faces, which were apart of him.

Later, I created the doors to be his feelings and emo- tions. Then I needed his name so my mom suggested Mr. Positive. However, Mr. Positive wasn’t musical enough for me. So, I meditated on it and I heard “Mr. Positively” TM. It is amazing when you hear something that resonates, with your heart and soul, all the bells within you ring. It was perfect! The words, the char- acter, and the name blended beautifully together like water! You see a cloud is universal. A rainbow is uni- versal. We all have feelings and emotions. We all are human and we all use doors as a boundary. I put them all together and ...”POOF”, ”Mr. Positively the Rainbow Cloud” TM, and his wonderful “Feeling Doors” TM were created.

Can you imagine what it felt like when I found the right artist and I saw “Mr. Positively the Rainbow Cloud” TM for the first time. It was the same feeling I felt when I saw my baby’s precious, face after he was born... pure LOVE!

EX - What role do the doors play in your book and how did you designate the colours for each of them?

CM - The “FEELING DOORS” TM are “Mr. Positively the Rainbow Cloud’s” TM, feelings and emotions. I made characters out of feelings. I gave them a face, to show that each one of our feelings and emotions are, a live, entity. When you own something, you know you need to take care of it. It is your responsibility that it stays healthy and safe. Our feelings need our care and LOVE. They are an important part of us. They are guideposts, to help us understand our selves and others.

The colours of the doors represent the colours of the rainbow. Omra Jo Fotchman, the wonderful artist of the book and I, tried to follow the colour and en- ergy that resonated the best with each feeling and emotion. Omra is so talented. She did a brilliant, job! The Rainbow Door “JOY DOOR” is when we live in harmony with all our feelings and emotions, which give us Joy in living and inner peace.

EX - Tell us the importance of the golden mirror.

CM - “The Golden Mirror” is a symbol of the hid- den gold, “Potential” that is within all of us. It shows every child that they are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They are what are, truly valuable, and precious in this world. I want them to feel that in their heart and soul. I want them to smile and laugh and to be the brilliant, wonderful, people they can be.

EX - How has writing this book aided you in your own healing process?

CM - Writing this book has helped me to love and believe in my self. It has taught me about healthy boundaries and self-discipline.

As my beautiful God Mother once said to me. ”Carla, the only way to inner freedom is through self-discipline. When you go against your common sense, you shrink your world. However, when you follow its guidance you are inwardly free”. She was my greatest, inspiration and so wise.

EX - Your book is being used in over 100 public schools nation wide as both a teaching aide and a healing tool. How did this come about and have you been given feedback on how successfully it is being used?

CM - I let my fingers do the walking, LOL! I have been consistently marketing my idea since its conception 15 years ago. So, I already knew from people’s feed back, that my book was going to be a success. If you are going to spend time bringing a book to fruition, you need to find out if people will buy it. So, I call schools, counsellors, child therapists, librarians, pre-schools, libraries, non- profits, dedicated to children’s well being, radio stations, and hired a good publicist.

I read them my book, which I made from the original paintings with the words taped on their protective cover. Then the MAGIC happened and it has been a magical journey ever since.

By the time my beautiful baby was born, I had 90, book signings lined up. I have done 218 to date. My book is also available in public libraries.

Now, I would like to share with you a story. I had a pleasant, surprise happen when I revisited a school. One of the teachers took me to her classroom and showed me that she had made some felt figures from my book and said she used my book daily as part of their daily curriculum. She had made a felt “Mr. Positively” and all of his “Feelings Doors”. She then gave me the felt figures as a gift.

I cried with gratitude, bursting from my heart!

Oh, The stories that I could tell you!

EX - Do you have a favourite story about an encoun- ter with one of your little Readers, which you could share with us?

CM - I would love to. There are so many. I will never forget this beautiful, brown eyed, 4, year –old boy. When I read the phrase in my book “Feelings, What are Feelings”? His little, hand shot up like a rocket and he said, with so much confidence.

“Miss Carla, I know what my feelings are. They are my power”. I can tell you; you could have heard a pin drop... then... a thunderous applause rang out in the room. That little boy made my heart sing!

EX - Now seeing as this issue of our magazine is about change, tell us how your life has changed since writing this book.

CM - since writing my book, my life has expanded beyond my wildest dreams. I have met the most beautiful and heart felt people that share in my cause. My life has purpose and direction. I know I am doing the right thing and that gives me courage to do what ever it takes to achieve my dreams and goals.

I have written so far 12 books, plus a movie script based on “What’s On The Other Side Of The rainbow?”

My intent is to be an inspiration for children. I want them to Know, I believe in them with all my heart and they are always the, “Secret Of The Golden Mirror”.

*PDF Version of Issue 1 March 2009 EnergyXchange

*PDF Version Google Doc: Interview with Carla Masterson, Issue 1 March 2009 EnergyXchange

Permission to repost Interview with Carla Masterson, Issue 1 March 2009 EnergyXchange granted by Author Carla Masterson to (permission from EnergyXchange pending)

Photo: 2013 Celebrity Baby Blog Royal Gifting provided from Author Carla Masterson Facebook Page.

Photo: What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? (The Secret Of The Golden Mirror) from

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