Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Nephew Bennie Age 13 Skit

History Express-- Bennie's Play

Bennie's Summer Camp Play from Theater Week 2

That’s my Nephew Bennie! The tallest one, the one in the white long sleeved shirt, the one who played Abraham Lincoln!!!!

Proud Auntie Michelle (ndpthepoetress - Jeane Michelle Culp) :)

Presented by that "was launched to provide high caliber, professional theatre at an affordable and all-inclusive price. Our objective has long been to make our theatre company as accessible as possible--reaching as many young people in the process as we could, a commitment we proudly standby today."

, the founders of Bright Star Children's Theatre - were the instructors working with the kids here both weeks.

In the last year the Bright Star Children's Theatre "list of supporters has grown substantially! Our recent sponsors include: the National Theatre in Washington DC, SC State Museum, NC State Museum of History, Iredell Museum, Greensboro Historical Museum, Carrboro Arts Center, The Broyhill Center, Newnan Centre for Performing Arts, The Parkway Playhouse, HART Theatre, Creative Spark, KidSenses, , The City of Rock Hill, City of Albemarle, a dozen Arts Councils, over a hundred libraries and literally hundreds of schools from Detroit to Atlanta and Indianapolis to Washington DC!"

"Bright Star offers a variety of theatrical packages ranging from one-hour workshops and residencies to month long summer camps. We can customize a variety of our programs or work with you to develop the perfect event for your needs.

Other workshops may focus on a variety of subjects from character creation to improvisation, Shakespeare to Play Development.

Please feel free to contact BRIGHT STAR CHILDREN'S THEATRE for additional information and details!"

"Now accepting bookings for our 2008-2009 Season! Including two brand new productions: 'The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr' and 'The Adventures of Treasure Island!' We sincerely hope you will allow us to be a part of your 2008-2009 young audience series!'"

Related Posts: Theatrical Comedy With My Nephew Dirk!(Presented by )

My Nephew Dirk Age 14 Singing Bridge Over Troubled Water!


Speedcat Hollydale said...

How fun!! I just started being able to watch these (yep, the old Packard Bell is dead)

Hoooray for Bennie :-)

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Well hello Speedcat Hollydale! So nice to hear from you and Thank You! My Nephew Dirk is also in a few skits on my site! BTW: R.I.P. Packard Bell, R.I.P. Now you can see what you’ve been a missing! How old was the PB any how? Hope you are still grazing Blue Ribbon Bloggers with your wit and charm. I am still under the doctors care and unfortunately am able to be online only for short periods at a time. I look forward to catching up with the post at BRB and your site soon though! Dang, I don’t have you on my blog roll – my bad, I will take care of that first thing tomorrow Bud. BTW: How’s the chickens at your site, still growing? - lol

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Packard is 12 years old and still runs like a million dollars. I would still be using it, but the processor is too slow for DSL.

I still blog at BRB every now and again. I also check posts there, and loved one about adoption recently!

Take care - your friend in Holydale,


ps ... funny, my latest post has me by the river eating .... (you guessed it) ha haa!!!!

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Thanks Bud for the updates! Wow, you’ve come a long ways – DSL! Are you sure you can handle this modern age :). I've been hearing a lot about adoptions lately so I'll have to be sure to read that post at BRB and definitely not miss that KFC pix of you or knowing you it very well could be a rubber chicken - lol!

Anonymous said...

That is fabulous. I've never heard of Bright Star.

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Hi cooper of wonderlandornot, Darfur, and Should Be Famous! I never heard of
Bright Star either until my Sis told me, so I checked their website out. Terrific they offer the art of Theater to Children!


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