Saturday, November 03, 2007

War Poetry Remembrance Week

1If you're not familiar with Cabaret, it's an interesting play to revive now. Depicting the denizens of a decadent Berlin night club sleep walking their way through life as the Nazis rise to power, it's a cautionary tale of the need to be on guard against the naive belief that the worst can never happen and others will take care of society's problems for us.

Choosing to ignore the spread of brutal, reactionary and racist ideologies, we end up abetting the contagion. There are times when we have to take a stand, no matter how much we'd rather be dancing our lives away.”

I’ve quoted the above from Francis at Caught In The Stream as an introduction to the subject War. On Sunday November 4th, the blog site Classic Poetry Aloud will be running a week of “2War Poems to coincide with Remembrance Week, the week leading up to the 11th of November. In the Uk on the 11th of November, People traditionally will pause for two minutes at 11 O’clock in the morning which is the exact time on that day that the Declaration of Peace was signed at the end of the first World War in 1918.” The goal by Classic Poetry Aloud is to read War Poems by 7 Poets in these 7 days leading up to November 11th.

Classic Poetry Aloud will begin on Sunday November 4th with an Occasional Miscellany that introduces the week to include poetry from Samuel Coleridge, Katherine Mansfield, Herman Melville, William Shakespeare, Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen and Lawrence Binyon.

We “2hope you will be able to join us during this week to take the time to listen and perhaps take some time on November 11th to reflect on where the poems have led you to that week.”

Thank You

1. A Fall Night Out in Rogers Park: Catching Cabaret, Carving Pumpkins (consent to quote granted to Binding Ink)

2. Occasional Miscellany Number 2

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