Friday, August 18, 2006

Astonishingly in August, the Easter Bunny!?!

From a Friend, I received one of many e-mails. You know the type, down a long list of forwarded names, there is a quote or joke that someone found somewhere on the internet. Therefore; I don’t know whom to give credit for the following, “It’s so hot”. However; here are a few excerpts:

It’s so hot:

The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground,

You discover that in August it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car,

Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?”,

Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.

Apart from a good laugh, I didn’t contemplate significantly on the subject. Meanwhile; early August, I had another poke, prod, and pry Ob-Gyn appointment. Whilst wasting time, I enjoyed the usual Waiting Rooms decor of outdated magazines. Eureka, an article from the magazine FamilyFun about tie-dyeing Easter eggs! Since, as of August 11-my own eggs have now been officially fried, genetically altered, or however cauterization is categorized. Afterwards; during my recoup weekend, I caught a scene from the movie “The Tooth Fairy”. So happen she was scolding the Easter Bunny for getting kids hooked on candy! And the first two weeks of August, my e-mail subscription to Cute Overload has included several adorable bunnies. My favorite, “Fabuloso photographer Tanja Askani strikes again with her 'Bambi and Thumper' series. Two canoodling wildlife sweethearts, snorgling away”:

Fabuloso photographer Tanja Askani strikes again with her 'Bambi and Thumper' seriesAug 12, 2006

Even then, I remained oblivious to any possible emergence in respect to connotation. Subsequently, a Dear Friend sent me a link for an awesome game Easter Island (strange the link to this game worked the first time, now I can't get it to, if you have any better luck let me know~thanks! ). “Save the people of Easter Island by returning a sacred stolen statue to the volcano god's altar before the volcano erupts”. Of course, the idol was a Cow! As ‘You’ Readers may already know, the cow for me, is recognizing each other for ‘Carrying on Womanhood’. However; for the name of the game to be Easter Island, that floored me! So many eggs, so many bunnies, so much Easter in one still short hot month. Everything was starting to become to eggronic (ironic). I was just about to sloth this off as just another redundancy when a Family member sent some fabulous pix of a bunny! In the e-mail, he wrote:

“From the Rabbit's Hole, Stories are Created and Told ~

Best viewed as a slide show and through children's eyes.

Dedicated to Jeane and the Rainbow Egg Factory as seen through children's eyes in the basement drain of Mead Street.
Also dedicated to Stephen and Ron as Rabbit Shots [(Stephen - photography) (Ron - hunting)].
And to the rest of the Family who still believe in the Easter Bunny, Braer Rabbit, Peter Rabbit (Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail), the March Hare (Alice's Adventure in Wonderland), Bugs...”

Stephen - bunny photographyby Family Member Stephen - bunny photography

Yes, various Family members also have creative talent with words and wit, something that emerges deep betweenst all my Siblings, apparently derived from one Family Member. Aka former Newspaper Editor for High School days. There is a rumor amidst our Family that there are some secretively written poems… If true, I must give this person credit, for even the Easter Bunny can’t hind eggs this good. But, like all eggs are eventually found, I will one day find the basket full of goodies and divulge their talent for all its’ zesty sweetness!

So this be August. If some people can have Christmas in July without concern for the snow melting, disregarding all concern for poor ‘Frost The Snowman’, then why not Easter in August without the horror from rancid eggs! Sure rotten eggs are foul, but what can anyone expect when eggs do come from fowl chickens.

It’s so hot, all we need to do is place the eggs in a pot of water outside and let nature do the boiling. Where’s that tie-dye egg formula! Let the candy melt in our hands from the sweltering sun rays of August! I’ll follow the Easter Bunny around with a water hose to extinguish any hairy incidents of heat exhaustions. Just give me Easter in August! Give me Easter or give me MacBeth ! That is according to Lewis Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno - THE FROGS' BIRTHDAY-TREAT, MacBeth! For as Frogs hop, so bunnies also hop, hop, hop….down the Bunny Trail!

Hop here, there, everywhere – even among buds. For though there are flowers in August, I honestly have no idea why this month is filled with ‘BEE’s (Bunnies, Eggs, Easter). Even now as I write this, the Mailperson has delivered an index invitation to subscribe to “Annie’s Favorite Crochet”. On the front of the index card is a picture of the April issue, with an Easter Bunny Basket full of jelly beans! And just yesterday, at a Gas Station there was one very old dusty variety package of jelly beans, sitting all by its’ lonesome at the cash register!

Yes, these ‘BEE’s have been particularly plentiful to just cast this all off as coincidence. I for one believe in serendipity. So if I ever figure out what the Universe is trying to tell me, I’ll be sure to let you know!

Meanwhile; we invite all to share any of ‘your’ serendipities with us via destinies’ designation: comments!

And be sure to stay tuned for future ‘BEE’ sightings at your local Nom de plume the ‘Poetress’ Blog, bindingink!

P.S. If anyone sees the Easter Bunny before I, please say hi for me. Hi from the one who knows truly that the Easter Bunny and Family all live in the basement drain on Mead Street.

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