Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bullying Prevention Campaign

The BULLY Project: "We are super excited to announce the launch of a new Bullying Prevention Campaign in partnership with our friends at the Ad Council. Marlo Thomas thank you for your support and for kicking it off!"1.

“…children who are bullied in America are issuing a silent scream for help. It is up to us to listen for that scream. And to act. Tragically, it is too late for Kaitlin and Rebecca Ann, but their deaths should compel all of us to make the fight our own."...“This is why we are forging a war against bullying," Katlin's mother, Evelyn, wrote in a heartbreaking post on her daughter's Facebook page (now a memorial page), beneath a photo of Katlin's grave. "We will always miss our Katlin, the pain will never go away. Together we can keep this tragedy from happening again."(A Silent Scream for Help: Bullying in America)The Huffington Post

1. The BULLY Project on Facebook October 15, 2013

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