Saturday, March 01, 2008

Just Another Day?

Today is March 1. To some People this is just another day, however; for the moment lets allow a little bit of history to speak for itself:

March 1

1872 - is established as the world's first national park.

1932 - The son of , Charles Augustus Lindbergh III, is kidnapped.

1936 - The is completed.

1961 - President of the United States John F. Kennedy establishes the .

2008 - Current News:

by the

Perhaps not only on this day but always, the mission of the Peace Corps needs to be spoken the loudest:

"Promote World Peace and Friendship"

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Ellen said...

Hi Michelle, thanks for sharing this.
Any day is perfect for again drawing attention to the need to strive for world peace, and global friendship.
Whatever we ourselves can contribute to this, is more than worth the effort..

Hope things are going well for you,
warm wishes,


ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Ellen from Positive Communication, you are a Positive Blessing in disguise, whence my Soul needs encouragement – you appear :)! Physically and emotionally my strength is beginning to increase daily and I should be back to mouse clicking onto blog sites real soon! I truly believe Prayers and thinking Positive Peaceful thoughts is helping! I appreciate your kindness, kind words, and mostly Ellen, I appreciate your kind Spirit.

Peaceful Wishes to you!


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