Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Thank A Soldier

the gratitude campaign (short)

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Seattle man starts 'Gratitude Campaign' to thank soldiers
05:51 PM PDT on Sunday, September 23, 2007


[SEATTLE - What began as a simple idea to say thank you to soldiers he passed on the street, has blossomed into a full scale campaign for Seattlite Scott Truitt.

He says many Americans want to express their gratitude to members of our military, but most aren't really sure how to proceed.

"I think there's a lot of politics wrapped around the military and that can get confusing for a lot of people," he said.

Both Truitt's father and father-in-law spent decades in the military, but even so, he realizes approaching strangers can be a little awkward at times.

"For several years I've been walking up and saying thank you to them when I've see them and sometimes its a really comfortable situation, and sometimes its not so comfortable," he said.

So he decided it would be nice to simply have a gesture to say thank you quickly and comfortably.

"The sign language sign for thank you starts at the chin and we thought geez, if you don't know what this means, you might not take it kindly. And that's certainly not the message we wanted to send," he said.

After a little research, he came up with a new idea.

"The gesture starts with your hand on your heart as if you're about to do the Pledge of Allegiance. And then you just bring the hand down and out in front of you. It actually means thank you from the bottom of my heart," he said.

Truitt hopes his Gratitude Campaign will spread across the country, and says even if soldiers don't know exactly what the gesture means, they'll realize if it originates on the heart, its got to be good.

Truitt hopes his video will continue to be shown at the start of every home Seahawks game this season.]

The Gratitude Campaign

Do You Know the Sign?

I'd like to also add a BIG Thank You to all Military Men and Women!

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