A Special Entity in the extensive blogosphere! Especially in the adult world, whence Fairy Tales have long since exposed their truth and lost their luster; suddenly a spark of old familiar magic is rekindled - thanks to The Blog Fairy! An Entity that prefers to remain anonymous, while spreading needed ‘blue ribbon’ joy amidst us Blog Writers! Still, who is The Blog Fairy? All we know is what is written on her profile:
About Me : I keep watch 'oer the blogs and bloggers in the vast blogosphere. It is my joy to shine light on those that show love and kindness and to honor them.
Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of the disheveled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame.
~ William Butler Yeats, "The Land of Heart's Desire," 1894
Sex: Female
Well, in re to my much treasured ‘Blue Ribbon’ from her, on June 30 I wrote:

Oh Dear theblogfairy in deed, please do read; I know not who ye are, be you near or far; yet I thank thee kindly Sprite, for this badge I now display with proud delight!
Since, I’ll admit I’ve been trying to secretly keep up on The Blog Fairy! Like a kid wanting to catch of glimpse of whom she really is, what Fairy Land does she beckon from, etc.? Needless to say, The Blog Fairy has been hard at work! Yet as busy as she is, somehow this week she flickered by my place, almost unnoticed! A few days later I so happened looked up at MyBlogLog Tags for ndpthepoetress. There I noticed The Blog Fairy found time to leave me another sprinkle of Fairy dust! She tagged me blue ribbon blogger !
It is at this time that I would like to further add:
To you The Blog Fairy, we Thank You! May a thousand endless ‘blue ribbons’ interlace to your heart with our utmost appreciation for you and all you do!
The Blog Fairy url intentionally left out of this post cause all Fairies should be found! Plus I don’t want to add to her already busy schedule!
Related Posts: Tears The Blog Fairy Is Now The Queen of Angels
Congratulations! The Fairy is awesome isn't she? A special day..and a special honor!!
I don't believe in fairys!
But this fairy seems real!
Congratulations! She sprinkled fairy dust on me, too. I now have a coveted blue ribbon from the blog fairy. I will link this post in my acceptance post, because I, like you, think this fairy is awesome and mysterious.
Perhaps we should keep it that way.
Thank you mimi lenox Founder of the Peace Globe Movement and Congrats!
One Wacky Mom, Thank you and Congrats on your Blue Ribbon from The awesome Blog Fairy!
Despicable, yes believe! The Blog Fairy does exist! And she “effortlessly weaves her way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way”! BTW: Despicable, you site sounds awesome! “Site includes original never before published poetry, for the entire family, an entertaining short story that is destined to become an "American Classic!" Included on my website are original cartoons, comic strips, and giff animations!” Keep believing Despicable!
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