Saturday, September 16, 2006

An Appeal to Save Life on Earth

(In the LowCountry, SC) I was listening to the radio station; WJWJ-FM: 89.9, ETV Radio in partnership with Classical NPR News Station. “NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming.” NPR includes News, Politics & Society, Business, People & Places, Health & Science, Books, Music, Arts & Culture, Diversions, and Opinion. ' provides years of archived show information', including many popular public radio programs; for instance Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, Weekend Edition Saturday, World Café, etc. and numerous other Programs. NPR also incorporates streaming Audio, Podcasting , and RSS News Feeds .

There is a simple form on NPRs’ website to find your local Radio Station or you can read the pdf version for a list of NPR Radio Stations in your area.

On September 8, 2006 I was listening to NPR radio broadcast, Talk of the Nation. Publicized as, “Biologist and Writer Edward O. Wilson talks about his new book The Creation. Wilson's appeal to preserve biodiversity is written in the form of letters to a Southern Baptist minister.”

NPR Transcripts Sample IRA FLATOW :

“IRA FLATOW, host: For the rest of the hour: science, religion and finding common ground. Is caring for the environment a matter of being a Democrat or a Republican, a liberal or a conservative, a Christian or a non believer? Can preserving biodiversity or finding global warming be something that all of us can work toward together?

My next guest thinks so – he certainly does, or more accurately he says we must work together. While admitting that he is a non believer,..”

(Some transcription by me from the actual broadcast):

Flatow: You seem to believe, based on what you write in your book, Everyone needs to spend time with nature. You write, Many people seem content to live entirely in this synthetic ecosystems. This in my mind is a conversion; it’s not in the human nature to be cattled and glorified in feed lines.

Wilson: Animals we raise in feed lots and take note that they seem to be contented, their not complaining very much. The animals raised in feed lots are very far from the full animal. They are not behaving; they are not working out their life cycle in the matters programmed into their brains and into the course of their developing physiology. ...Their is enough evidence that Human beings need nature, they need wild environments, they need at least pastoral environments, duplicating the early habitats of human beings in order to develop fully.

Here is the link to the complete audio boardcast or you can go to the NPR website.

From my research, I've learned; “Edward O. Wilson is a Professor and Curator of Entomology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. He has conducted field research throughout the world and written more than twenty books…” The New York Public Library

E. O. Wilson’s latest book is titled, “The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth’. Ira Flatow’s name for the broadcast is, “Bridging Science and Religion”. However; the ultimate question already asked by NYPL is, “ Can we come together with our differing religious and scientific viewpoints to ensure our continued survival as a planet”?

What is your answer?

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